Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A Parody: dear European people -THE SOLAR PLEXUS

dear European people

This is how tu / to throw money in the garbage, not a tip on how to sell a slice of pizza for $1,000 dollars, make a BLACK COMEDY!
A Black comedy is... the darkest comedy.
Very dark.

According tu online information programs, a black comedy is a style of comedy that explores vulgar topics, provokes discomfort along with serious thoughts, and provides amusing entertainment for audience members.
It sounds lai-ca the darkest comedy is a mix'd bag!

Because I have outgrown throwing money in the garbage, I am not proposing challenge-takers next create a BLACK COMEDY parody.
A parody is a extreme type of imitation that is superficial, humorous, and often critical. You could say a parody is not a imitation.

Before I write about dear European people, a parody of  Dear White People, I want tu / to quickly analyze Dear White People. IMOpinion, Dear White People is a T.V. Show with a unidentified racial cast, from a unknown age group, about students who in essence are protected by adults who share a parenting style I call liberal and psychological. Although the race and age of the students who attend the university is uncertain, the parenting style, of the adult foster-parents, is certain. I found dear European people from a anonymous program, and felt interested in the strong contrast between the two parenting styles. One program, dear European people, seems tu / to mock the large uncertainties that abound under a parental style that is liberal and psychological! This mockery explores the excessive spyware the psychological parents put everywhere in the home, the bad habits of the town's careless teenagers, young adult drug use, idiotic prom failures, and the changing hiring practices of Educational programs and Businesses.

From what I have already read, dear EUROPEAN people is really about the opposite parenting style expressing criticism of their liberal peers. The parents are rule-oriented parents who pretend tu / to go along with the liberal, psychological parents, yet really they strongly disapprove of their parenting and educational skills.

Later, I plan to post spoilers as soon as details are posted.

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