Saturday, March 9, 2019

Alone Online: Crazy Risky Challenges For Writers!

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"Crazy Challenges force you tu accept your limitations." -Minda

  1. The Overexposure Challenge - A "crazy challenge" where you try to pre-expose yourself and your early drafts to the largest possible audience for you. If you accept this challenge, you'll need to use communication devices to pre-expose your 'user content'.
  2. The 'Write A Book In A Month' Challenge - Find a open public space. Stock your fridge with energy drinks and espresso beans. Motto: "Keep writing, don't stop." Motivation: Write a book in 30 days.
  3. The Special letter 'K' Challenge - This "crazy spelling challenge" require old letters, essays and blog posts. For 1 week, substitute the letter 'k' with the letter 'c'. Rewrite and respell old posts, letters and essays replacing the letter 'c' with just the letter 'k'.  Motto: Language shifts. Share your writings with forums members online. 
Forum Link:
Related Link:

After accepting The Vamp Challenge online, I learn'da...people want entertainment, yet will pay more for services. People want electronic mail, newsletters, chat rooms and forums online tu join. People will not pay money for haiku. I learn'da 'write what you know' and question your motives. I learn'da tu document my work and if possible, to protect my early ideas and first drafts.

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